From the 2018 Stewardship Report:
In 2018, St. Catherine parish registered fifteen new families. Currently there are 1,121 registered families in our parish; comprising a total of 2,835 people. An increase in weekly financial giving was realized by 3% over the course of the year. Additionally, gifts and bequests totaling over $300,000 were donated.
In the fall of 2018, the Stewardship team in collaboration with the Pastoral Council developed the Ministry Leader Handbook. Five individual sessions were held to distribute, review, and address questions regarding policies.
The Stewardship Team facilitated two Ministry Appreciation Events: one in August and December, to acknowledge the commitment of the many volunteers and to share information with parishioners.
In December, the Five Years of Grace Pastoral Plan, a project that involved over 20 parish leaders, was presented to the community after four months of strategically discerning the needs of the Parish Community.