Are you interested in taking part in the welcoming and hospitality of our parish community? Individuals, families, organizations, and ministries are invited to host. Please email or call the parish office to sign-up. THANK YOU!
Hosts are still needed for Hospitality Sundays:
July 14
August 4, August 11
September 1, September 15 (breakfast servers)
November 10, November 17 (breakfast servers)
November 24
December 8, December 15 (breakfast servers)
December 22, December 29
Hospitality at St. Catherine of Siena has been identified most frequently as Hospitality after Sunday Masses. In 2018, fifteen ministries and a few individuals/families served and welcomed Church goers for 64% of Sunday Masses. This included the Knights of Columbus third Sunday breakfasts. We look forward to growth in this area as individuals, families, and ministries volunteer to serve at all the Masses.
On December 22, 2018, St. Vincent de Paul members offered beyond the Sunday hospitality experience. Vincentians opened the Parish Hall to serve St. Vincent de Paul neighbors, families, and individuals. One hundred families received Christmas hams/chickens and gifts. After a Thanksgiving distribution in the rain, the hall was identified as a natural solution for its holiday outreach. The doors opened at 8 AM. The San Lorenzo Ruiz Community and Vincentians welcomed neighbors with coffee/tea, and cookies. After prayer, the guests moved through check-in, the gift table, the food pantry, and the meat distribution. It was a wonderful example of welcoming, sharing, and giving glory to God.
In 2018, the Deacons conducted two trainings to prepare Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to the hospitals, homebound, and the sick. This training was to prepare ministers so our parish responsiveness to sick calls and visits to the homebound and hospitals can increase. Five teams visit three local nursing homes and the County hospital weekly. Currently, as new recruits are added to this ministry, they frequently replace a veteran member who may take a break or step down in this capacity. Father Anthony Le visited the nursing facilities in November and celebrated Mass and anointed residents. An increase in calls for visits from our ministers to parishioners is anticipated.
In November, the annual Mass for deceased parishioners was held at the old St. Catherine of Siena Cemetery at the top of the hill overlooking the Carquinez Strait. A majestic and moving memorial Mass was celebrated with approximately 40 people in attendance. It was a cooperative effort of Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services and the parish grief ministry.
Parishioners and St. Catherine 8th grade school students continue to serve meals monthly at the Loaves and Fishes kitchen. For the 19th year, three Church ministries and individual parishioners prepared and served meals at Mountain View Family Shelter. These ministries express a need to increase volunteers.
In the fall of 2019, Faith Formation and Hospitality will join together for an expanded Sunday experience. After attending Masses, children will receive religious education instruction while parishioners, parents, and visitors enjoy hospitality.